Sunday, April 30, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom

Hi all,

Long time no post in this blog. Today would have been mom's 72nd birthday. Time continues to heal and the hustle and bustle of every day life preoccupies the mind so much that it is sometimes hard to stop and capture memories. That's part of the reason this blog exists (although I'm the one that has struggled to keep this up). The picture below is 15 years old in happy times. The memories this brings back is during my college years when mom would drive herself the 90 miles to East Lansing, climb up 4 flights of stairs to my dorm room, take my roommate and I out to dinner with her salary from Montgomery Ward (that she could not afford) and drive home again. I did not realize then the type of sacrifice that was for her, but I certainly do now and appreciate it even more today. I just wish I would have realized it a few years ago. I'm positive she's the reason I live and die emotionally with Jeremy's ups and downs. I was taught how to be a loving father to my son because of her. And I'll be grateful to her forever. Happy Birthday Mom! We'll never forget you.

In younger days. Posted by Picasa

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